California Investment Network

Entrepreneurs - How It Works

We have created a database of California investors who are regular investors in California startups and businesses requiring capital. Our site also gives you access to investors from our partner sites in in New York, Texas, Florida, Georgia, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan and Pennsylvania. We charge no commission and our rates are low, so the cost to you of finding investment can be as little as $149.

We offer a fast and easy process to get your business proposal in front of investors:

Step 1: Register as an Entrepreneur

The first step in reaching investors through the California Investment Network is to register. This involves answering a few questions about yourself in our one page registration form. It is free to register and the process only takes a few minutes. What are you waiting for? Register here.

Step 2: Create A Proposal

Once you have registered, you can then login and create an investment proposal. We don't ask you for a detailed business plan, only that you answer questions that investors need to know in order to do initial due diligence on your idea and your business. When you are ready to activate your proposal, a staff member will do a final review prior to releasing the proposal to investors.

Step 3: Find Matching Investors

Once your proposal is approved, our system will cross reference your proposal information with investor preferences to determine which investors should be notified about your proposal.

Step 4: Make Contact

Once your proposal is distributed to investors, you will be notified if an investor is interested in your proposal. Please be aware that we are a match-making service only. We receive no commissions so our rates for helping you find investors can remain low. Our system gives you access to contact information of interested investors, however, we do not become involved in due diligence, negotiations, or deal structuring between you and any interested investors.

Payment Options

Option 1 Submit your investment proposal for free using our Basic Services package. When our online matching service finds an investor interested in your opportunity, you can then contact the investor by upgrading to our Referral Services or Premium Services packages. Your proposal remains active for 180 days and all investor contacts are included in the price of the upgrade packages, no matter how many of them there are. Please Note: If you submit your investment proposal for free, it must be 100% anonymous.

Option 2 Alternatively you can pay an upfront fee for one of our two higher grade packages (Referral Services, Premium Services) and take advantage of our enhanced services. This will increase your chances of finding investment by allowing you easier and faster access to interested investors and the use of the many premium services discussed on our rates page.

Registered Investors

United States > California

Local Vice President of a consulting firm looking for investment opportunities. Past investments have been centered around real estate and land deals.

$0 to $80,000

Ireland > Dublin

We were born out of a technology company that specializes in cloud software and web technologies. We've the hindsight of bringing products to market and love looking at new ventures with a view to making investment. .

$100,000 to $500,000

United Kingdom > Brighton, Sussex

Training, heavy experience in business and finance world.

$70,000 to $200,000

United States > California

Knowledgeable investor in public securities, have been on the sell side as broker and RIA. Have owned/operated several businesses. CPA Harvard MBA.

$25,000 to $200,000

Netherlands > California

We are a reputable investment Dutch company based in The Netherlands. We have been involved in several private and governmental projects here in The Netherlands and outside. We have invested primarily in the oil,gas and petrochemical industry. We have already been associated with the import and export sectors respectively.

$500,000 to $5,000,000

United States > California

As a pure Finance house, we know what investors want from us: to help them achieve their investment objectives by delivering performance that meets their expectations. Every investment decision we take has a direct impact on our clients. That is why we have structured ourselves with empowered decision- making at the heart of our business. Our fund managers are organised into compact, nimble teams, able to take decisions . Decisions are taken in a considered way – mindful of the risks yet alive to the opportunities.

$500,000 to $10,000,000

United States > California

I am a mortgage broker. I have been involved in real estate for more than 15 years.

$100,000 to $5,000,000

United States > California

I am a current senior executive of a multi-million dollar company with over 25 years of sales, marketing, manufacturing and operations experience. I am interested in investing in upcoming brands with dynamic potential. I am flexible in contribution with respect to an active or advisory role. I look forward to reviewing your creative vision!

$5,000 to $250,000